Neuronal innervation regulates the secretion of neurotrophic myokines and exosomes from
skeletal muscle, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024.
Huang, Upadhyay, Ahn, Sakakura, Pagan-Diaz, Cho, Weiss, Huang, Mitchell, Li, Tan, Deng, Ellis-Mohr, Dou, Zhang, Kang,
Chen, Sweedler, Im, Bashir, Chung, Popescu, Gillette, Gazzola, Kong.
’Mind in Vitro’ platforms: Versatile, scalable, robust, and open solutions to interfacing with living neurons, Advanced Science, 2023.
Zhang, Dou, Kim, Upadhyay, Havert, Kang, Kazemi, Huang, Aydin, Huang, Rahman, Ellis-Mohr, Noblet, Lim, Chung, Gritton, Saif, Kong, Beggs, Gazzola.
Remote control of miniature robots integrating biological muscles and battery-free wireless optoelectronics,
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Kim†, Yang†, Zhang†, Li†, Vazquez-Guardado†, Park, Wang, Efimov, Dou, Wang, Park, Luan, Ni, Kim, Baek, Xie, Zhao,
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Friction modulation in limbless, three-dimensional gaits and heterogeneous terrains, Nature Communications, 2021.
Zhang, Naughton, Parthasarathy, Gazzola.
Computationally assisted design and selection of maneuverable biological walking machines, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2021.
Wang, Zhang, Park, Park, Kilicarslan, Kim, Dou, Bashir, Gazzola.
Modeling and simulation of complex dynamic musculoskeletal architectures, Nature Communications, 2019.
Zhang, Chan, Parthasarathy, Gazzola.
Neuromuscular actuation of biohybrid motile bots, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019
Aydin†, Zhang†, Nuethong, Pagan-Diaz, Bashir, Gazzola, Saif. († equal contribution)
A pipe-climbing soft robot, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019
Singh, Patiballa, Zhang, Krishnan.
Simulation and fabrication of stronger,larger and faster walking biohybrid machines, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018.
Pagan-Diaz, Zhang, Grant, Kim, Aydin, Cvetkovic, Ko, Kong, Saif, Gazzola, Bashir.
Augmented joint stiffness and actuation using architectures of soft pneumatic actuators, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
Thompson, Zhang, Ayala, Hsiao-Wecksler, Krishnan.
A nested pneumatic muscle arrangement for amplified stroke and force behavior, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2017.
Zhang, Krishnan.
A soft wearable sleeve for joint stiffness modulation, IEEE Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2016.
Zhang, Singh, Krishnan.